
IndiaBookStore.net is a super quick and simple search engine for books that helps you compare the price and know availability of books across various online bookstores in India. The site has been popular among book lovers since 2010 and has helped more than 15Lakh users save a lot of money and time.

IndiaBookStore.net will hopefully help you find your book, and save some money to top it off. :)

Looking for more? The IndiaBookStore.net blog Bookish is _the_ destination for bibliophiles. It provides users book reviews, author interviews, articles by published authors, book releases, information on literary events, interesting articles that trigger your nerves to think and more.

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the team

Animesh Jain

Animesh Jain
Founder, Advisor

IITD alumnus, entreprenuer. Programmer by heart & basketball freak. He wishes -
1. for days to be 26 hrs long
2. to avoid the cycle of sleep

Priyanka Gupta

Priyanka Gupta

IITK alumnus, wandering soul. After seeking for job satisfaction in 4 firms over a span of 7 years, finally got her hands dirty in a startup. Dance freak, dreams to travel d world.

Kshitiz Gupta

Kshitiz Gupta
Software Engineer

DAIICT alumnus, loves coding, lives in his own space, wishes to travel to each and every co-ordinate in India, loves cricket & fond of guitaring.

Prakhar Shukla

Prakhar Shukla
Software Engineer

Travelling in this space-time to find ultimate challenges and experiences. I love coding and hacking, exploring virtual and real boundaries. A tech freak with hobbies like gaming photographing and blogging.

Mugdha Wagle

Mugdha Wagle
Content Editor, Bookish

Not so much a bookworm as a book leech! When she's reading, interrupt at your own peril. Good books move her to tears, bad books can ruin her day. Loves trekking, animals and good food.