Reviewing a Parenting Book in the Age of Facebook – Net Easy!
Review / March 29, 2016

Parenting in the Age of Facebook is about how the average hapless parent can pretend to be on top of this whole information-at-the-touch-of-a-button thing. How they can avoid their net-savvy offspring’s pity/scorn/amazement/ridicule when those little snots realise that they themselves are way ahead than their parents.

Toni Morrison is back!
Review , Uncategorized / March 12, 2016

Author: Toni Morrison Publisher: Penguin Books Year: 2015 ISBN: 9780307594174 Rating: Read book reviews from other readers Children are such impressionable little things. They struggle to get their parents’ approval, do everything to make their parents realize that they are the best they could have. The extent they go to to get a pat on their back or a ‘Great going kiddo!’ is often amusing to watch. I strongly believe that a kid is what he/she is raised as, the values and principles that are instilled in them by their surrounding influences – parents, relatives, neighbors, playmates, books, TV etc. And if any of these influences take a bad turn, it not only affects the kid’s choices but all those surrounding the kid as well. It is in this manner, Bride aka Lula Ann ends up choosing to do something so despicable to gain her mother’s acceptance that it will haunt her for all her life. In ‘God help the Child’, Toni Morrison tells the story of Bride aka Lula Ann, who has risen in life from being a familial and social stigma to a successful executive in a cosmetic company and the choices she makes in the course of…