Review: Legend by Marie Lu
Review / September 22, 2013

Author: Marie Lu
Publisher: Penguin Young Readers Group
Year: 2011
ISBN: 9780142422076
Rating: ★★★½☆
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Legend is a young adult dystopian debut novel by a Chinese- American author, Marie Lu. It is the first book in the trilogy and will be followed by Prodigy and Champion. The story is told from two alternating points of view: June who is a 15 year old Nobel citizen ,who  has a perfect score in her trial exam and is trying to avenge her brother’s death,  and Day who is also 15 but is a notorious criminal who is only trying to survive after escaping death. In my opinion, he should get the award for the most tortured YA hero! They are born on opposite sides of an ongoing war in a futuristic Los Angeles in the Republic of America.