Review: Crushed
Review / July 17, 2014

Author: Eliza Crewe Publisher: Penguin Publications Year: 2014 ISBN: 9780143332916 Rating: Read book reviews from other readers   “You see, I’m a cold-hearted person. Not as in cruel and mean, but as in, someone who very seldom cries, who’s seldom moved by emotional scenes, and so on. The few things that make me reach such a state aren’t the usual kind of triggers; I don’t shed tears over characters dying, romantic scenes, happy-ever-after moments. In fact, it’s so random I couldn’t even explain what may or may not trigger a reaction, whatever reaction, in me.” – Meda Melange Eliza Crewe delivers a gripping and power-packed fantasy novel for young adults who are tired of fantasy novels restricted to vampires and witches. Meda is a Soul-Eater. Being a half-demon, she thirsts and lives on the souls of humans. But, enter the rather clichéd twist – She only eats the souls of really bad guys (literally, only guys!). She knows she is a monster and acknowledges it. She is now a willful captive at the Crusaders’ school, where they train her to fight demons, who intend to destroy the human civilization and create more demons. She feels increasingly stifled by the Crusaders…