Publisher: Randomhouse Publications
Year: 2011
ISBN: 9781847940889
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We cannot predict the future. But we can create it.
Think back to 15 years ago, and consider what's happened since, the destabilizing events — in the world, in your country, in the markets, in your work, in your life — that defied all expectations. We can be astonished, confounded, shocked, stunned, delighted, or terrified, but rarely prescient. None of us can predict with certainty the twists and turns our lives will take. Life is uncertain, the future unknown.
Author of bestselling business book “Good to Great”, Jim Collins teams up with Morten T. Hansen to give their readers a book that will teach them to lead and build lasting enterprises even when the markets are unstable and time is uncertain.
This book is a sequel to “Good to Great”, which has sold 4 million copies so far” and focuses on why “some thrive despite” of “uncertainty and chaos”. In its pages, the authors have penned down the secret strategies that can aid one to sustain his or her business even during political turmoil and economic downturn.
Don’t brush off this book as yet another business book sprouting philosophy. This is the product of a nine-year long extensive research and analysis that has led to some surprising revelations. For example: Successful leaders turned out to be more paranoid than unsuccessful leaders. Also, they were not significantly more creative than their unsuccessful counterparts.
Practical concepts such as 10Xers, 20 Mile March and SMaC, among others were introduced. In fact, the concept of 20 Mile March is not just restricted to business development but can also be used in personal development.
The final chapter deals with the role of luck. According to them, great companies just got a “higher return of Luck”.
This is a good business book, and definitely more easy and interesting to read because it can be read like a story. By the time you reach the last page, you are definitely convinced that greatness happens by choice and not by chance.
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