Review: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

May 14, 2014
Author: Robin Sharma
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
Year: 1996
ISBN: 9780062515674
Rating: ★★★★½
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The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a best-selling motivational book by the now famous Robin Sharma. One of our reviewers decided to see whether it was worth the hype, and found it to be reasonably so! 

Robin sharma

Robin Sharma

I came across this book a few days back in a library. Curious about the hype created by this book, I picked it up. After completing the first chapter, it all began to make sense. The book is about the inspiring journey of Julius Mantle, a wildly successful attorney, who travels to the Himalayas in search of spiritual peace in his out-of-balance life. The book is written in the form of a conversation between two friends; hence it is neither very preachy nor soporific!

“He who serves the most reaps the most, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. This is the way to inner peace and outer fulfilment.”

7 principles

The 7 principles to lead a successful life!


The book is undoubtedly one of the most inspirational books you will ever come across. Its compact size makes it possible to read it in one sitting. The book is not written in a haphazard manner, but in a very systematic way. Julius’ journey is described in seven practical lessons, with each of them being denoted by a symbol. Every lesson has some simple techniques that can be easily implemented in our day-to-day life. The book mainly revolves around seven main goals, attainment of which will lead you to a happier and more fulfilling life. The seven main goals are- control your mind and thoughts, have a purpose in life, keep on improving yourself, be disciplined, respect time and don’t waste precious moments running after things that can’t give you real happiness, serve others selflessly, and embrace the present.

At the end of every chapter is a summary containing action points; it makes everything easy to remember. The book is highly practical and mainly talks about self-management – which everyone should know and learn!


There are various techniques described in every chapter, which, after a certain point, becomes too much. It is not humanly possible to follow every technique; you will have little time to do little else! Personal choice could help select a few though.

For the most part, the book contains nothing that we wouldn’t already know. (For example – Don’t let negative things spoil your mind, stop thinking about it by focusing on happy things. Too easy to say, too difficult to practice, eh?) But still, what you will gain from the book is simply life-changing. No matter what age group you are in, go for this book!

Why not start a new journey on a New Day?

zenhabits gives you a more detailed look at this book, and don’t forget to get more from Robin Sharma through his blog

Pratibha Jain
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Pratibha Jain

Editor and Writer at IndiaBookStore
Having an insatiable appetite for books, she is always loading her shelves with more books than she can read. An irregular blogger, she loves to google about anything and everything. Apart from reading and writing, she enjoys solitude and poetry and when time permits her textbooks on finance!
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